Das Heer aus dem Dunkel (Limited Boxset + Vinyl Repress)
Hammer of Damnation to release “Das Heer aus dem Dunkel” limited boxset in South America, February 2024.
Official Logo patches available
Official Absurd patches to support Militant Zone.
Out of the Dungeon / Facta Loquuntur
The unplugged demo “Out of the Dungeon” and debut album “Facta Loquuntur” now released on CD.
Schwarze Bande – limited edition vinyls available!
Released as Splatter- as well as Picture Vinyl.
Review of “Das Heer aus dem Dunkel” by Black Metal Terror
Black Metal Terror is reviewing “Das Heer aus dem Dunkel”.
Review of “Das Heer aus dem Dunkel” by Bagnik Zine
Bagnik Zine is reviewing “Das Heer aus dem Dunkel”.
Als die Alten jung noch waren
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of “Asgardsrei”.
The White God of War
Preview of the upcoming EP “Prana Atma”.
Das Heer aus dem Dunkel
German black metal band ABSURD released “Das Heer aus dem Dunkel”, a new mini-album with four compelling songs. Wolf bids farewell.
V/A “Tribute to ABSURD” LP / INFERNUS ZINE – The Ultimate Blasphemy HARDCOVER BOOK
The official vinyl release of Tribute album to ABSURD.